The Data Science Life Cycle by Kelly McConville.

The Data Science Life Cycle by Kelly McConville.

Quick Content Guide

Page Contents
Home -
Syllabus About the class, class materials and resources, class assessment and expectations
Topics Tentative topics, Lecture slides and materials, books and online resources list
Modules Module assignment materials
Project Group project information and expectations
Data List of data sets
Quick Notes List of useful notes regarding concepts and programming codes

Quick Facts

Instructor Information

Instructor: Alex John Quijano
Office: Library 394

Lab Assistants

Maxwell VanLandschoot, Gillian McGinnis, and Isabelle Caldwell


Taylor Blair and Simon Ahn

Class Time and Location

Lectures: S01: TuTh 8:50 AM – 10:10 AM, S02: TuTh 10:25 AM – 11:45 AM
Rooms: Eliot 103 or Zoom:

Office Hours

  • Alex John Quijano
  • Maxwell VanLandschoot
    • Walk-in (Eliot 126)
      • Th, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Gillian McGinnis
    • Walk-in (ETC 211)
      • M, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM; Tu 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM
  • Isabelle Caldwell

Quick Resources


The main textbook is Modern data science with R. 2nd Edition (2021) by Baumer, B. S., Kaplan, D. T., & Horton, N. J. The textbook is free and open-source. We will use other supplementary books and resources throughout the course (please see the Books and Online Resources List).


This class will use the R programming language and the R Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE). There are several ways to use R and R studio. Below are two ways to access R and R Studio.

  • Reed College has an R Studio server where you can log in using your Kerberos credentials. Go to this link,

  • Downloading and Installing on your own computer. First, you need to install R; Next, you can install R Studio; rstudio download.

If you need a computer, you can purchase or borrow computers - please see the Reed College CIS Getting Equipment webpage. For more information and resources, visit Reed R resources.


Assignments are submitted through Gradescope. Please sign-up as a student with your Reed email using this Gradecope entry code: D5N5PB.

Slack Workspace

Please signup for the class Slack Workspace using your Reed email during the first week of class. We will be using Slack Workspace: as the main real-time communication tool; from general announcements and question-answering to direct messages. Please check the Slack Workspace regularly. If you need to have slack notifications sent to your email, please set up your email preferences.

Concise and specific messages are helpful. If you prefer communicating through email, note that the instructor has set up an email filter for this course and you must put the “MATH 241” keyword in your subject line. It is easy for the instructor to get notice of your email if you put the keyword in the subject line.