Final Exam

Final Exam Information & Guidelines: pdf

Final Exam Date: Monday, December 13, 2021. 9:00 AM

Exam starts on 12/13/2021 9:00 AM and ends on 12/15/2021 at 9:00 AM (48 hours). You must submit your final exam into Gradescope within the 48-hour window.

Rmarkdown Template: Rmd

Knitted pdf: pdf

Datasets: urns.csv and marbles.csv

If the preamble does not exist in the Rmd file, below is a simple preamble you can paste at the beginning of the Rmd file.

title: "**Final Exam - MATH 141**"
date: "12/13/2021"
output: pdf_document

Midterm Exam

Midterm Exam Information & Guidelines: pdf

Midterm Exam Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021. 9:00 AM

Exam starts on 10/13/2021 9:00 AM and ends on 10/14/2021 at 9:00 AM (24 hours). You must submit your midterm exam into Gradescope within the 24-hour window.

Rmarkdown Template: Rmd

Knitted pdf: pdf

Datasets: dice.csv and fish.csv

If the preamble does not exist in the Rmd file, below is a simple preamble you can paste at the beginning of the Rmd file.

title: "**Midterm Exam - MATH 141**"
date: "10/13/2021"
output: pdf_document

Midterm Exam Example

Rmarkdown Template: Rmd

Knitted pdf: pdf

Datasets: coins.csv

Solutions: pdf

If the preamble does not exist in the Rmd file, below is a simple preamble you can paste at the beginning of the Rmd file.

title: "**Midterm Exam Example - MATH 141**"
date: "10/13/2021"
output: pdf_document

General Guidelines

Format and Submission

Please follow these guidelines and the instructions at the first page of the exams.

  • The exam will be posted on the course website at the date and time. You can start working on your exam as soon as it is posted.

  • The midterm exam will be sent out as an R Markdown file that contains the exam questions. You must knit your Rmd into PDF format.

R Markdown Template and Errors

  • By now, you should be familiarized with working with R Markdown by doing your lab assignments. This means that any common errors that you encountered in the past should give you an idea on how to solve common knitting problems.

  • The trick is to knit your Rmd file every time you create a new R code block. Save often, knit often. In the event that you have uncommon knitting problems that you can’t fix, let the instructor know immediately.

Academic Honor Principle

  • Since this is a take-home exam, you can use all of the notes you have, textbook, lecture slides, homework solutions, lab solutions. You can ask the internet for information if you want. You can even ask your grandma for information if you choose.

  • Each student must take responsibility and ownership of their work and submit their work individually.

  • Please abide by the Reed College Honor Principle, which states that “each member of the Reed community cultivates their own understanding of Honor, both as an individual and as a part of Reed. The honor principle allows Reed to develop our values as a community. Coming to find what you think honorable behavior is and what the Honor Principle means is a morally and intellectually challenging part of your Reed education. The Reed community is committed to the notion that the best way to run its internal affairs is to ask each individual to investigate and question their own expectations surrounding honorable conduct. It is up to each person to engage with the trust, as well as responsibility placed on them by the Honor Principle in order for the community to support everyone.”